Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Bucket List has been updated again! YAY!!!!

Got to go hiking/fishing the other day with my brothers and sister and a friend who is like an older brother to me I had a great time and cannot want to do it again!!!! Now I got to strikethrough Go hiking!!!! We had a great time!! Thanks to are older brother Justin for taking us :-)
God has blessed me to be able to strikethrough some of the things on my Bucket List this year!
I hope you all are having a great week!

Here are two of many pictures I took :-)

What are some of the things on your Bucket List?? I would love to hear from you!

God bless ya’ll!

I hope ya’ll have a great week!

Love in Christ!

Catherine K


  1. Hi Catherine,
    What's a bucket list?
    Love Ashley

    1. A bucket list is thing you want or would like to do before you die. You make a list and as you do the thing on your list you strikethrough them you can always add to the list whenever you think of something. I hope this helps ;-) God bless!
      Love in Christ!
      Catherine K


Hello there! Thanks for stopping by! Please Comment and let me know what is on your mind! I would love to hear from all my readers. Just please remember to keep everything kind and Christ-like. Thank you! God bless!